Heinrik - great article!! There are so many great points. I highlighted a few:

1) We need a change in course which is not even under discussion.

I call our current approach, "Immunity via Collective Failure

2) Western lifestyles must not be questioned.

This is a suicidal delusion which is backed up by relentless propaganda.


3) Society will crumble long before the climate.

4) Global Climate Compensation Fund is a brilliant idea. There are some challenges with the actual execution in terms of ensuring that the various governments of the south don't hoard the money for themselves. But it's nothing that can't be sorted out.

5) When the world market price for fossil fuels rises, people are forced to change their lifestyles.

This is easier said than done. People don't like change. But again, we don't have a choice.

6) Many refugees may not be able to return to their countries is the conditions have degraded so much that it's either too hot, too wet, too dry or their coastal land is completely under water.

7) "If economic growth and environmental protection were compatible, a system of voluntary commitments could work. If not, we need to change the rules of the game of international competition in such a way that nations are rewarded for shutting down climate-damaging industries." Completely agree!!

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It seems to me that point 2 in your two-point solution assumes that everyone in the world is created equal, a laughable notion to most people, and certainly the elites in control, as history makes abundantly clear. And so, the problem resides in our very wiring.

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